Closing vim
Screen movement
C-e - move screen down one line
C-y - move screen up one line
C-b - move back one full screen
C-f - move forward one full screen
C-d - move forward half a screen
C-u - move back half a screen
Movement on screen
h - move left
j - move down
k - move up
l - move right
H - top of visible screen
M - middle of visible screen
L - bottom of visible screen
w - jump forward to the start of a word
W - jump forward to the start of a word including punctuation
e - jump forward to the end of a word
E - jump forward to the end of a word including punctuation
b - jump backwards to the start of a word
B - jump backwards to the start of a word including punctuation
% - move to the matching character
0 - move to the start of the line
$ - move to the end of the line
^ - move to the first non-blank character
gg - move to the first line of the document
G - move to the last line of the document
{ - next paragraph
} - previous paragraph
i - insert before the cursor
I - insert at the beginning of the line
a - insert after the cursor
A - insert at the end of the line
o - add new line below
O - add new line above
cw - change the word
dw - delete the word
dd - delete the line
yy - copy the line
s - substitute a character
S - delete the line and substitute
p - paste after
P - paste before
u - undo
C-r - redo
> - shift right
< - shift left
~ - toggle case of the character under the cursor
S-i - toggle NERDTree for hidden files
ma - set a mark 'a'
'a - jump to line with mark 'a'
`a - jump to exact position of mark 'a'
]' - jump to next line with lowercase mark
[' - jump to previous line with lowercase mark
:marks - list all the marks
:delm a - delete mark 'a'